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Tunisia’s coastline boasts a rich marine biodiversity, but years of overfishing and unsustainable practices have taken a toll on its fish populations. Today, the country is faced with the challenge of balancing the economic benefits of fishing with the need to protect its marine ecosystems for future generations. Today, the country faces the challenge of promoting sustainable fishing practices to strengthen conservation efforts and protect the livelihoods of artisanal fishing communities.

One solution is sustainable fishing, which involves fishing practices that ensure the long-term viability of fish populations and minimize harm to the environment. Tunisia has made progress in this direction, with the government implementing measures such as restricting fishing during breeding seasons, promoting the use of selective fishing gear, and enforcing fishing quotas. This has been regulated in the all this has been regulated in the Law of September 28, 1995. 

However, challenges remain. One major obstacle is illegal, unreported, and unregulated fishing, which undermines efforts to promote sustainability. In addition, many fishermen still lack the awareness and resources to adopt sustainable practices, and some are resistant to change. Although the existing laws, Illegal fishing, and trawling are still significant problems in Tunisia. Trawling, a fishing method that involves dragging a large net along the ocean floor, is also a destructive practice that can harm marine habitats and result in high rates of bycatch, the unintentional capture of non-target species, and cause ghost fishing by cutting the nets of other fishermen. 

To address these challenges, Tunisia needs a multi-faceted approach. This includes strengthening enforcement against illegal fishing by respecting and enforcing the law, providing education and training to fishermen on sustainable practices, and incentivizing sustainable fishing through policies such as subsidies for eco-friendly fishing gear.

Tunisia’s sustainable fishing journey is not an easy one, but it is a crucial step towards preserving its marine resources and securing a sustainable future for its fishing communities. As consumers, we can also play our part by choosing sustainably sourced seafood and supporting Tunisia’s efforts towards a more responsible fishing industry.

We went to meet Islem Ben Ayed, a fisheries science engineer and trainer to tell us more about sustainable fishing and the various actions to be taken urgently to protect the Mediterranean sea and the income of small fishermen.

Interview Islem Ben Ayed

Sustainable fishing is still a complex challenge that requires a collaborative effort between governments, fishermen, and consumers. With the right policies, education, and incentives, Tunisia can chart a course toward a more sustainable and prosperous fishing industry.

This article was developed in collaboration with the Earth Journalism Media Mediterranean Initiative project.

Copyright © 2022 Blue Tunisia. All rights reserved

Mayssa Sandli

Chief Editor and Co-founder of Blue TN. I'm specialized in corporate social and environmental responsibility and environmental activist since 2016.

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